Can Birds Eat Oatmeal? Tips for Feeding Birds Safely

Ethan Smith

By Ethan Smith

28 Jan. 2025

8 min read

Can birds eat oatmeal
Photo: @nainitrails

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    Oats are a common grain that can be an incredible food choice for wild birds. They are packed with carbohydrates and fiber, which give birds the energy they need to fly, scrounge, and remain dynamic. However, not a wide range of oats are great for birds, and some might be harmful. It's crucial to know the most effective way to offer oats to the birds in your yard and which bird species are probably going to appreciate them. Let's explore how to take care of birds and feed them oats securely and effectively.

    The Most Effective Way to Give Oats to Birds

    Uncooked Oats

    Uncooked, plain oats are the most secure and best choice for birds. These oats can be given as whole oats or rolled oats. Rolled oats are the flattened form of whole oats. However, the two sorts are safe as long as they have no additional ingredients like salt or sugar. Birds can process oats effectively and benefit from the energy they give.

    On the off chance that you just have instant oats at home, utilizing the plain variety is significant. Instant oats are pre-cooked and afterward dried for quick preparation. Simply ensure they don't have added flavors, sugars, or different fixings. These added substances can be harmful to birds, so plain oats are the most secure option.

    Can Birds Eat Porridge Oats?

    Uncooked porridge oats, similar to normal rolled oats, are safe for birds. However, it's not safe to feed birds cooked porridge oats. Cooking the oats makes them sticky, and this sticky texture can bring on some issues for birds. It can stick to their beaks and feathers, making it hard for them to eat, fly, or clean themselves properly. Hence, consistently feeding birds uncooked oats is a good option.

    If you ever consider feeding them cooked oats, ensure that they are plain and free of salt, sugar, or milk. Birds' stomachs or digestive systems can't deal with these ingredients, and they might cause sickness or trouble.

    How to Serve Oats at the Bird Feeder?

    There are multiple ways of serving oats to birds. One simple way is to spread the oats on a plate feeder, where birds without much trouble can access them. A ground feeder is likewise a decent choice. You can just sprinkle the oats on the ground or on a platform, particularly for birds like pigeons, which like to eat on the ground.

    Another choice is to blend the oats in with other bird seeds. Blending oats in with seeds can make your feeder more alluring to an assortment of bird animal groups. For instance, you can mix oats with sunflower seeds, millet, or suet for a nutritious mix that many birds will appreciate.

    Ensure that the oats are new and dry. Rotten or ruined oats can be hazardous to birds. Likewise, clean your bird feeder consistently to keep it clean or free of microbes. Oats can ruin rapidly, particularly in wet climates, so watch out for them and replace them if needed.

    Which Birds Eat Oats?

    Bird Feeder

    Many birds appreciate eating oats, making it a nice food to offer at your bird feeder.

    Here are some bird species that are probably going to eat oats:

    Sparrows: Birds like house sparrows and American tree sparrows are little seed-eating birds that appreciate oats. They are normal in metropolitan and provincial regions, and oats give them energy and fat.

    Rock Pigeons: Grieving pigeons and rock pigeons, otherwise called rock pigeons, will readily eat oats. These birds frequently eat grains and seeds, so adding oats to their eating routine is a decent decision.

    Juncos: dark-eyed juncos are small and gray birds that are frequently seen at terrace feeders. They appreciate oats as a part of their eating regimen. They are ground feeders and like eating little seeds like oats.

    Finches: American goldfinches, house finches, and other little seed-eating finches have particular beaks for opening out little seeds; this makes oats an incredible feeding option for them.

    Blackbirds and Starlings: Red-winged blackbirds and other blackbird species will come to feeders that offer oats dispersed on the ground or on a stage feeder.

    Grosbeaks: Enormous seed-eating birds like blue grosbeaks additionally appreciate oats. They frequently visit feeders with seeds, so offering oats will draw in them, too.

    Quail: Partridge quail and other quail species will eat oats, particularly when they are dissipated on the ground where the birds can search normally.

    Wild Turkeys: Throughout the cold weather months, when normal food sources are scant, wild turkeys can profit from oats as a wellspring of energy and supplements.

    What Not to Feed Wild Birds?

    While oats can be an incredible expansion to a bird's eating regimen, there are a few food sources that you should never feed birds. These food sources can be poisonous or destructive, so staying away from them is important.


    In spite of the fact that avocados are viewed as good for humans, they contain a fatty, acidic substance called persin that is harmful to birds. It can harm their heart or even cause unexpected death in wild birds.

    Pits or Seeds

    While most natural products are fine for birds, a few organic products like apples, pears, apricots, or peaches have seeds or pits that can be destructive. Continuously eliminate these prior to offering the organic product to birds.


    Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, the two of which are harmful to birds. Giving chocolate to birds can prompt looseness of the bowels, seizures, or even demise.


    Birds can't digest milk as expected, and offering it to them can cause stomach issues or more serious medical problems. Try not to put milk on your feeder.

    Do Birds Eat Bread?

    Bread isn't destructive to birds. However, it's not exceptionally nutritious, all things considered. Birds need food sources that give them the energy and supplements to remain dynamic. While limited quantities of bread won't hurt, it's crucial to offer more nutritious choices like seeds, nuts, or oats. Bread can fill them up without giving them the sustenance they need.

    What to Feed Birds From the Kitchen?

    There are a lot of kitchen food varieties that you can securely offer to wild birds, serving them with nutritious and scrumptious food.

    Here are a few extraordinary choices:

    Natural Products

    Bird Eating Berries

    Natural products like berries, raisins, grapes, and crushed bananas are completely cherished by birds. Simply make sure to eliminate any pits or seeds prior to offering them.

    Cooked Rice

    Both brown and white rice are safe for birds for however long they are cooked. Doves and pigeons might eat uncooked rice, yet other bird species generally prefer it cooked.


    Birds love potatoes! You can offer them cooked or pureed potatoes but do not feed them processed potato items like chips or crisps, as these are harmful and contain added flavors, salt, pepper, and preservatives.

    Uncooked Oats

    As referenced earlier, uncooked oats are an incredible food option for birds. Simply ensure they are new and free from any hurtful added substances.

    The Best Nourishment for Birds

    While birds can consume different food varieties from your kitchen, however, seeds, nuts, and mealworms are the absolute ideal choices. Garden birds like robins, blackbirds, and sparrows will benefit from these rich in nutrients food varieties. Try to give a decent eating regimen to assist the birds in your yard with staying healthy and dynamic.

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