Stink bugs are named so because they emit a foul odor, which you will never forget, if smelled once. Stink bugs are known as brown marmorated stink bugs, or BMSB in short form. These bugs produce an unpleasant odor when they feel threatened or crushed. People have different opinions on the smell; some say it smells like cilantro, burnout tire, dirty socks, paper mill pulp, rotten meat, and sulfur, whereas others opine that it smells like rotting sweets and rotting fruits. These bugs are not dangerous for humans and pets but can damage crops. In this article, we discuss "how to get rid of stink bug smell" using different methods.
Know More About Stink Bugs
Stink bugs are six-legged insects with a shield-like shape and brown marbled patterned back. There are many varieties of stink bugs that invade homes through gaps in the siding, crevices around the windows, attic area, and behind the chimneys in search of a warm place to hide from cold. Stink bugs also get attracted by the lights near the windows or fruits and vegetables that produce nectar.
Fact: Always remember the fact that no matter how much you try to keep stink bugs away, these smart bugs somehow find their way into your homes, so keep an eye on them.
Ways to Get Rid of Stink Bug Smell
The best way to get rid of the stink bug smell is to adopt measures to keep the bugs away from your homes, which will automatically keep the smell away. There are multiple ways to get rid of stink bugs, but depending on the products used and the extent of infestation, you should expect the result. Let's have a look at the methods.
DIY Trap
A very simple and affordable method is to prepare a DIY trap. All you have to do is take an equal amount of hot water, dish soap, and vinegar in a bowl. Once stink bugs fall into the trap, they can't move out easily, and that's the time to dispose of them out of the house at a secluded place.
Declutter the House

Stink bugs love to hide in places where they can't be easily noticed, like the attic area, basement, garages, or in old boxes lying idle for months. Even old curtains, sheets, or heaps of laundry attract these little creatures. Maintain cleanliness by tossing up items or dusting and mopping. All these steps will ensure a clean and tidy house.
Essential Oil to Keep Bugs Away and Spread Aroma
Essential oil serves the dual task of filling the home with aroma and keeping stink bugs away. Prepare a mixture by adding 10 drops of mint essential oil with 16 ounces of water, fill it in a bottle, and spray along the entry points of bugs.
Seal All the Openings in Your Home
Stink bugs enter the homes through cracks in the doors and windows, so the best way to get rid of them is to seal the entry points. You can also control the indoor and outdoor lights by maintaining minimum lighting in the outdoor area and using curtains in the indoor area to avoid lights shining in the outdoor space.
Use Diatomaceous Earth
It's a pesticide powder made from natural rock, considered an environmentally friendly option. When you spread the powder inside and outside of the doors and windows, their protective exoskeleton breaks, leading to their death.
Use Garlic Spray
This is one of the simplest options to get rid of stink bugs. Make a mixture using four teaspoons of garlic powder or some garlic cloves and spray near the areas from where they enter the house, especially the indoor windowsill.
Maintain Your Landscaping
Maintaining landscaping can help prevent the infestation because these little creatures get attracted to debris and vegetation. You should mow the lawn regularly and maintain cleanliness in the yard.
Vacuum the Stink Bugs
It's a smart idea to get rid of bugs and their smell using a vacuum. Use a vacuum to remove the smelly little creatures and empty the bag outdoors. Also, clean the vacuum to prevent the smell from spreading in the indoor area.
Use Soapy Water

Stink bugs have a tendency to drop straight down when they feel threatened, which gives them a chance to take advantage of the situation. Take a jar with a wide open mouth, fill it with soapy water and a little vinegar for extra killing power, and keep it beneath the stink bug. Most likely, bugs will drop into the water.
Another way to use soapy water is to prepare a solution using equal parts of hot water and dish soap, pour it in a spray bottle and spray on the area where you suspect their entry.
Tricky Homemade Trap
This is a simple homemade trap to attract bugs. Keep a wide-mouth pan, fill it with soapy water, place it near the area where bug movement is noticeable, and hang a light just above the bowl. Once bugs get attracted to the light and hang on it, they fall into the bowl and drown.
Tips: Never crush stink bugs because crushing them will fill the indoor space with a foul smell as bugs release foul-smelling chemicals.
To get rid of stink bug smell, you should focus on getting rid of stink bugs because that's the only way to keep the smell away. The option discussed above may help you prevent the entry of the little creatures.