25 Beautiful Trees With Yellow Flowers to Brighten Your Garden

Ava Wilson

By Ava Wilson

30 Jan. 2025

8 min read

Trees With Yellow Flowers
Photo: @trini_surfer

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    Planting trees is something most of us love for different reasons. Some of you would plant trees to add interest and positive energy to the yard. For some, it's more for practical reasons, such as trees absorbing carbon dioxide, fighting climate change, giving oxygen to breathe, attracting birds, and increasing the worth of the property.

    There are numerous varieties of plants and shrubs available in beautiful colors, but no color can beat the beauty of yellow flower trees. Trees with yellow flowers are a stunning addition to the garden, as the yellow flowers have a soothing impact. In this article, we have given a brief overview of the multiple trees with yellow flowers to narrow down some for your garden.

    The Trees With Gorgeous Yellow Flowers  for Your Garden

    Austrian Briar (Rosa Foetida)

    Austrian Briar
    Photo: @myphonescam

    The Austrian Briar produces vibrant golden flowers during the early summer months that attract bees, butterflies, and birds. To ensure robust growth, keep it in an area with direct sunlight in the plant zone of 3-9 in well-drained soil to avoid root rot and overwatering. It needs moist soil (not soggy) and fertilizer every couple of years to maintain all the necessary nutrients. Check the soil regularly to see the nutrient level.

    Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum Anagyroides)

    Golden Chain Tree
    Photo: @sammeraz1

    The golden chain tree flaunts its eye-catching pea-shaped flowers hung as heavily flowered stalks. It's a low-maintenance plant that takes around 20 years to reach its maturity age but looks stunning even when they are young. It grows well in spring and summer in the plant zone 5-11 and requires full sun to grow. It grows up to 25 feet tall and needs well-drained, loamy, and sandy soil.

    Beautiful Julia Child Rose (Floribunda Rose' Julia Child')

    Julia Yellow Child Rose
    Photo: @selectroses

    Julia Child Rose is a shrub that occupies less space in the yard and gives delicious-smelling big yellow flowers. It requires minimal upkeep and grows in late spring to fall up to three feet tall in the plant zone of 5-10 under full sun. The soil requirement is well-drained loam, sand or clay.

    Brazilian Plume, the Evergreen Shrub (Justicia Carnia)

    Brazilian Plume Yellow Shrub
    Photo: @motherearthnursery

    The evergreen shrub has dark green leaves and beautiful and unique tube-shaped flowers that bloom between the early summer and continue until the fall. These amazing flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. It grows well in well-drained soil in the plant zone of 8-11 under partial or full shade. Add fertilizer during the early spring, mid-summer, and beginning of the fall for stunning flowers.

    Oleander (cascabela Thevetia)

    Oleander Yellow Flower
    Photo: @random_guymp30

    It's a stunning shrub for gardens that have repent stems and bright yellow flowers. The biggest drawback of the shrub is its poisonous leaves and branches. Make sure you grow it away from pets and children. It thrives in well-drained soil with compost and requires regular watering for healthy growth.

    Sweet Acacia (Vachellia Farnesiana)

    Sweet Acacia
    Photo: @natureserveorg

    This is an evergreen that resembles the shape of a vase and is loved for its amazing fragrance. The shrub is attractive because yellow flowers bloom in bunches during the spring. It requires full sunlight to grow well and heavy watering.

    Gorgeous Shrub Bush Cinquefoil (Potentilla Fruticosa)

    Gorgeous Shrub Bush Cinquefoil Yellow Flowers
    Photo: @firsteditionsshrubstrees

    This is one of the most gorgeous and easy-to-care shrub options for your garden, and it fills the garden with vibrant yellow flowers from summer to fall. It is loved for its features, such as resistance to insects and diseases, tolerance to extreme cold weather and low maintenance.

    Bush Cinquefoil thrives in partial to full shade in moist and well-drained soil in plant zones 3-7. It can grow in alkaline, rocky, and dry soil and grow up to four feet tall.

    Yellow Tabebuia (Tabebuia Rosea)

    Yellow Tabebuia
    Photo: @kentapics

    Yellow tabebuia is native to Venezuela, Mexico, and Ecuador. It is a street tree that flaunts its rose to lavender blossoms, but yellow tabebuia gives trumpet-shaped vibrant yellow flowers. Their blooming season is not limited to one season; it blooms throughout the year at different times in the plant zone between 9-11 in a well-drained, fertile, deep and moist soil. It needs full sun to grow up to 90 feet tall.

    Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus Mas)

    Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
    Photo: @newporttreeconservancy

    Cornelian dogwood is native to Western Asia and Europe and is best known for its small yellow flowers and edible fruit. It is loved because of its edible fruit called "Cornelian Cherries" and low upkeep. The growing season for this plant is spring, the plant zone is 4-8, the soil requirement is well drained, and it needs full to partial shade to grow up to 25 feet tall.

    Golden Shower Tree (Cassia Fistula)

    Golden Shower Tree
    Photo: @juyalaakanksha

    Golden Shower is a fast-growing tree that loves a warm climate and thrives under full sunlight. The beauty of this tree lies in its cluster of beautiful yellow flowers. It grows up to 40 feet tall in the plant zone 10-11 in well-drained sand or clay.

    Japanese Rose (Kerria Japonica)

    Japanese Yellow Rose
    Photo: @nature_vibe_34

    It is an early flowering deciduous plant that produces yellow flowers with five petals resembling roses with a double flowering form. The best feature is that even if it is not in bloom, bright green birch-like leaves in summer leave a strong visual effect. The plant blooms in spring under partial shade in the plant zone between 4-9 and grows up to 8 feet tall.

    Camellia Shrub (Camellia Nitidissima)

    Camellia Shrub Yellow Flower
    Photo: @wollongongbotanicgarden

    These are the gorgeous shrubs that give creamy yellow flowers, with some having a pop of pink that gets deeper once they bloom fully. Camellias grow well in full to partial sun(during the early growing days) in the spring or fall. Water them regularly throughout the season.

    Yellow Buckeye Tree (Aesculus Flava)

    Yellow Buckeye Tree
    Photo: @nationalmallnps

    As the name suggests, the seeds look like brown deer eyes that give yellow blossoms. It needs minimal maintenance and is pest-resistant. You can use it to add ornamental beauty or to provide shade to the patio or yard. The best growing season is summer and spring; the plant zone is 4-8, grows in full sun up to 75 feet tall, and needs well-drained acidic, moist, sandy or clay soil.

    Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana)

    Witch Hazel
    Photo: @seattlearboretum

    It is a multi-stemmed shrub that gives small yellow flowers between October and December. The oval shape of the leaf makes it visually attractive. This plant can prove to be a good choice for hedging, border, or screening. It requires full sun to partial shade to grow appropriately up to 25 feet tall in the plant zone between 3-8 in a well-drained, moist, and organically rich soil.

    Chinese Dogwood or Kousa Dogwood (Cornus Kousa)

    Chinese Dogwood Yellow Tree
    Photo: @treesofla

    It has derived the name "Chinese Dogwood" because it is native to China. The plant gives you one or the other thing all year round; spring is the blooming season, it provides berries in the fall, and the color of the leaves changes before the onset of winter. It thrives in the plant zone of 5-8 under full sun to partial shade in well-drained and acidic soil. It grows up to 30 feet tall.

    Honey Perfume Rose (Rosa)

    Honey Perfume Yellow Rose
    Photo: @bree_smiles

    Honey perfume rose is a shrub that fills the yard or garden with its intense rose scent. Wonder how it got its name! The flowers are of different colors, ranging from peach and apricot to yellow. The power of its fragrance and the visual impact makes it a favorite plant for gardeners. The plant grows robust under the full sun in well-drained and slightly acidic soil. Regular pruning is a must to get flowers every season, and mulch must be added to keep weeds away and retain moisture in the roots.

    Lydian Broom (Genista Lydia)

    Lydian Broom
    Photo: @jackalman

    These shrubs give vibrant yellow flowers throughout the beds, and the bluish-yellow foliage adds a uniqueness to the garden. They form a mound shape when fully grown. These shrubs are naive and grow in any soil type without fertilizer under the full sun. Keep watering them regularly.

    Oregon Grape (Mahonia Aquifolium)

    Oregon Grape
    Photo: @vistahouseatcrownpoint

    This is the state flower of Oregon, featuring green and purple foliage with bright yellow flowers and blue or purple edible fruit with a tart flavor. These plants grow better in neutral to acidic soil under the full sun. Water them weekly to keep them moist and maintained.

    Palo Verde (Parkinsonia Praecox)

    Palo Verde
    Photo: @this_is_tucson

    These are semi-evergreen trees with vibrant yellow flowers and orange in the center. The flowers are small in size, and the foliage is bluish-green. The uniqueness lies in the breathtaking trunk and branches. The trunk has smooth green bark, and the branches are twisted. Except for winter, you can grow them throughout the year in well-drained soil. Water them twice a week during summer and once a month in winter, but avoid shallow watering.

    Golden Rain Tree or Chinese Flame Tree (Koelreuteria Bipinnata)

     Chinese Flame Yellow Tree
    Photo: @treesofla

    As the name suggests, the fragrant flowers resemble Chinese lanterns and are native to China, Japan, and Korea, where they are loved for their vibrant yellow flowers used in making dye or medicine. The flowers range from yellow and orange to red. The best feature is that it gives shade to other plants that grow under the shade. It requires proper sunlight to grow up to 35 feet tall in well-drained loamy soil in the plant zone between 7-9. Keep watering the plant regularly until it establishes well.

    Golden Trumpet (Allamanda cathartica)

    Golden Trumpet
    Photo: @lyraoko

    As the name suggests, the flowers of the golden trumpet resemble the shape of a trumpet. The flowers also have a delicious floral scent. These trees are recognized by their leathery leaves, tall climbing habit and greater need for moisture. The best bloom season is summer and fall, and it grows well in full sun in well-drained and rich soil. They grow up to 15 feet tall in the plant zone of 10-11.

    Golden Bell or Forsythia (Genus Forsythia)

    Golden Bell
    Photo: @kj_tags

    Forsythia, also known as golden bell, is a shrub native to East Asia that is a gorgeous addition to any garden as it gives bright yellow flowers in the spring. The low maintenance, drought resistance, and tolerance to pollution are the best features that make it a preferred choice for homeowners. It needs six hours of direct sunlight for healthy growth and well-drained soil in the plant zone between 4-9 to grow up to 10 feet tall.

    Golden Barberry Bush (Berberis Thunbergii)

    Golden Barberry Yellow Bush
    Photo: @angiemo333

    It's a Japanese variety of barberry that has yellow foliage all year round. The leaves turn red-orange in the fall and finally lose their leaves during the winter. It thrives in full bright sunlight and any soil type and grows without plant feed. The plant zone is 4-7. Water it regularly until it is established.

    Golden Jackpot (Weigela Rosea)

    Golden Jackpot Yellow Tree
    Photo: @monroviaplants

    Golden Jackpot, also known as weeping weigela, is an easy-to-maintain shrub that produces bright yellow flowers during the summer. The tree can be used as a hedge. It grows up to six feet tall under full sunlight for four hours in well-drained soil. Keep watering the tree until it settles down.


    Yellow is an optimistic color that brings happiness and positivity in the indoor and outdoor areas. Trees with yellow flowers are loved by homeowners for their gardens to add a pop of color to the yard. There are multiple varieties of shrubs to choose from. I hope this article will help you find some suitable variety for your garden.

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