How to Clean Your TV Screen Without Scratches or Smudges?

Evelyn Johnson

By Evelyn Johnson

10 March 2025

8 min read

How do you clean a flat screen tv
AI Generate Image: Intriera

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    A clean television can make a big difference while watching a family movie or news unfolding or using it to learn to exercise, and so on. The dusty, greasy, or fingerprinted screen is worse to watch as you relax comfortably on the sofa. It will take some minutes to learn how to clean your TV screen. Luckily, it’s not as hard as you may think; all you need is a microfiber cloth that can help you get rid of dust and fingerprints. Go through this guide to eliminate any kind of dust and keep your flat-screen TV always clean to watch.

    How to Clean It?

    You need to be very careful when cleaning your screen. The reason is most people have LED, LCD, OLED, QLED, and plasma screens, which cannot be wiped with glass spray because they are no longer glass tube TVs. And, never use wrong cleaning methods like spraying liquids directly on tv surfaces as it can cause permanent damage and negate any kind of warranty that may still be not expired. However, you don't have to stress over it much. Make sure you have a simple microfiber cloth that can clean dust and most fingerprints.

    Requirements to Clean Your Flat Screen TV

    Cleanliness leads to godliness, but when you have kids around your home, you need to be cautious about cleanliness so as to feel godly comfort.

    Dry and Soft Cloth

    Dry and Soft Cloth for Cleaning
    AI Generateted Image: Intriera

    Paper towels and tissues can damage the screen as they contain fibers, and your TV screen will end up with scratches. So the best option is to use a soft, anti-static microfiber cloth and wipe it in a circular motion and to gently use dry clothes to make it dust free.

    Clean both your TV and TV cabinet to make sure the dust isn’t piling up the vents that help dissipate heat. Also, if you have your TV on a stand instead of connected to the wall, make sure to hold your TV with one hand and clean it from another to prevent it from tipping over, or you can use anti-tipping straps for efficiency.

    Steer Clear of Harmful Chemicals

    Do not use cleaners that have alcohol and ammonia, as they can create havoc on your expensive flat-screen TV, and they are found in window cleaners. Therefore, make sure to screen cleaner that doesn't contain alcohol, ammonia, or acetone, and avoid using cleaners that contain abrasive as it can scratch the screen.

    Never Forget to Clean Your Remote Control

    The remote control is also part of the television. The steps to clean the remote control are easy to follow. You would need dish soap, cleaning vinegar, lint-free cloth, cotton swabs, toothpicks, and sanitizing wipes.

    • Make sure to remove the batteries before starting to clean them and don't allow the moisture near the input socket only if you have a chargeable remote.

    • Combine the antibacterial soap with 1 cup of warm water to eliminate the germs.

    • Make sure to damp the cloth in the lint-free cleaning solution to wipe down all the sides of the remote.

    • Remove the dirt between the button of the remote using a toothpick or cotton swab.

    Avoid the Things While Cleaning

    It is essential to avoid some of the things when cleaning, as not everything is better than nothing. Therefore, avoid using the following ways when cleaning your flat-screen TV.

    • Never press or rub harder on the screen whenever you try to clean the spots, as it can damage some of the pixels and ruin the screen.

    • Never spray any cleanser directly on the screen; the insides of the TV could be damaged.

    • Never clean your screen with it powered on.

    • Never wash your microfiber cloth once it is dirty in fabric softener, or use a dryer sheet.

    Consider the Things While Cleaning

    A Women Cleaning TV
    Photo: @kleansy407

    There are certain elements that are required to be used that are not harmful to the TV in any manner.

    • Keep a package of microfiber clothes as only the soft ones can be used on TV or monitor screens.

    • Spray directly onto your cleaning cloth to prevent damage inside the TV.

    • Make sure to use a clean cotton ball to clean the edges of your TV screen.

    • Ensure that you clean the TV when it is powered off.

    Final Words

    It has already been established why you need to clean your TV. And, there shall not be an issue on how to clean your flat screen TV efficiently and easily. Keep following the major facts under do’s and don'ts to get a shiny and dust-free scenario while watching anything on your TV.

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